Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Another day at Stroller Strides...

I just had to share this....too cute! Then you wonder why mommy calls me her little "bear."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Noah's busy weekend and first meal...

Noah's weekend started at Daddy's football game which was a lot of fun especially cause they beat the number one team in their league, yay! Here's Daddy's number one fans!

Congrats Daddy!

Auntie Daisy joined us at this weeks game..She's one of our biggest supporters =)

This weekend Noah took his first road trip...the Arreola's went to San Diego to visit the fam, and Noah got to meet a few people he had not yet met...
On Sunday we had our family fun day at Seaport Village...Mommy LOVES that's a picture where it all started many moons ago...

Yup who would've known that 5 1/2 years later, these two love birds would now be a happy family....

Noah had lotsa fun carving pumpkins with his cousins, well not really, he's still too young for that but he sure liked looking at em...

Noah got to meet his uncle Franco, who came to visit us from Kansas.

Noah also got to hang out with Gramps for his birthday dinner...
And speaking of dinner...Noah had a dinner of his own just last nite...yup, Noah tried eating rice cereal like a big boy!!!

He had fun, that's all that matters although most of it ended up on him rather than in his belly.

He says he rather eat what daddy's eating...=) He he....

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Wow the time is flying by! Our little bundle is 4 months old today, and he is growing for sure! Our little addition has brought so much joy into our lives...everyday is a blessing...look at daddy smiling from cheek to cheek...aww his little sport...

Ooo Noah got to hang out with his cousin Adam this weekend...

Noah went to a Pumkin Patch with his buddies from stroller strides, here they are just hanging out in their rides...=) Noah has a crush on the little lady in the middle ; )

Mommy and Noah...

It got real hot so we had to skiddizzles...

Awww...Daddy LOVES Noah...gentle touches guys!

Oooh yeah and so since today is Noah's 4 months you know what that visit! And with that comes shots! =( But Noah is a CHAMP! He let out a little yell with the second shot and then just kept on truckin...Gosh he is a chubby wubby for sure, he is 18 lbs. 12 oz, and 26 inches long! Pretty soon wont fit in his car seat anymore, we'll need to upgrade him to the cadillac of car seats...ha ha, havent even seen whats out there yet, but anyway, we will be out on the market soon for one.
He was showin off for his doc, rollin over, smiling, talking, you know our charming little Noah...
Noah, mommy wants you to know that she loves you more than life itself and she has spent the best time of her life these past 4 months, along with daddy of course, and she will treasure these moments forever...Mommy is going to make sure she enjoys every second of the next couple months she has left with you before she goes back to if there's anything special you'd like to do like go to Disneyland or anything like that just give her a holler...=) He he...

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These little piggies...

This was Noah the morning after mommy's birthday, we had a super duper fun pajama party with our friends the Rutters... dont mind him he's just rolling over in his crib...hillarious!

This is Noah playing in his room....he loves his daddy...

Can you say ADORABLE!

Noah dressed in his Sunday's best to go to church...

And alas...the day we were waiting for very impatiently...our Piggies & Paws party! Yay! I do love those piggies!!!

Here's Nina how surprised us both coming over, and making Noah's little footprint into a little angel...aww cant wait to see the results.

And here's mommy making her handprint to put together with her little bear's.

Noah's party was a great success, he had lotsa friends over painting their little piggies for their mommies and daddies, and here's beautiful Natalia just hanging out waiting her turn...mommy she's only 9 months older than me... ; )

Here's little princess Sasha making her print...

And Camila, and her mommy...she's so ready!

Ooo here's Noah's buddy from Stroller Strides! Cute!

Here's Noah going at it again making his footprint for daddy...shhh surprise! Haha this tickled him!

All in all this day was super fun =) after our party we were wiped, and it was raining, so we went shopping =) He he...

And this was after our long day...awww...I love watching him favorite.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Mommy!!!

This is all mommy needs right here for her birthday....Lindo, bello, precioso!!! ; )

And well if the Dodgers could win the world series that would be nice too...Noah's rootin for the home team...aawwww...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Noah's busy busy busy!

Yup ever since Noah turned 3 months old he's been all over the place, he went to his first kid's birthday party to celebrate Natalia's birthday, and he dressed to impress ; )
That same day he went to visit his cousins, Salma, Boy, and two cousins he hadnt yet met Chiquis and Coquis...
He's been shopping and has some new threads to show off...

Here he is with mom and dad, opening up a little gift that his friend gave him...check it out. A pair of kicks...

Enjoying the view with Mommy and Nina Violet...

Noah even met Elmo!

Noah celebrated Mommy's birthday...

And here's Noah just hanging out in his room practicing some new moves he learned the day after his 3 month birthday...he rolled over!!!

He is a beauty! We love you Noah!!!