Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 29, 2010

Family Picture Time!!!

We had SO much fun yesterday at our family photo shoot with Uncle Sergio...we just didnt get the memo that we were going to have to get a "work-out" out of it.... I guess beautiful scenery doesnt come cheap...we literally hiked our way there, mommy in heals and a dress....mind you. Noah didnt mind roughin' it, as long as daddy was doing the pushin☺ He's a trooper...

The further we walked the more beautiful it got☺

Are we there yet?

This is fun!☺
Ok lets stop and ask for directions guys....

The photos from our shoot are a surprise to everybody including us....can't wait to see em!!! After a two hour hike, and a whole lot of pictures later, we were famished! Went to Pizza Cookery and had a party in our tummy, can you tell from this little barefoot baby?

Got home and just let it all hang out...we were wiped!

Silly little guy....

Monday, March 22, 2010

Happy 9 month birthday!!!

Our little bear is growing up SO fast... ♥ Happy 9 months of life my baby boy ♥

This is how he spent his Sunday...after going to church we went to his buddy's birthday party at the park....Here's the little guy, and his buddy Joaquin...

Having a blast with daddy...

And here he is on the swing like a big boy!

Noah has his 9 month check up on Friday so we'll see what he's tippin the scales at nowadays☺ And to capture this milestone we have family picture time this Sunday with our very own photographer...uncle Sergio! Yay!!! Can't wait....hmmmm what's the little guy gonna wear??? Dad!?!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Gym time...

Mommy got a real treat yesterday, she got to work from home and during her lunch she took Noah to My Gym...yay!
Mommy ♥s this picture...
And this one...☺

On other news, Noah got some new kicks compliments of daddy...yup their converse, in a different hue...☺

Noah had another birthday party to attend. He's a social butterfly what can I say...and this party was for his other "girl" friend, Jolie...ain't she a beauty♥

Ta-da! ...Noah got to go to his very first real live baseball game! Yay!!! Wait that wasnt the Dodgers playing, but it was at Dodger stadium! Yup it was a college game good ol' USC and UCLA....Noah had fun, and was a good sport. ; ) He he....

And last but not least Noah got a NEW toy!!! Compliments once again of DADDY!!! Yay! All the cool kids had this Leap Frog table, so of course Noah had to get his little hands on one, and he sure loves it....

Tank you daddy, we love♥ you!