Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Weekend...

Where do I start....Well Thursday was our last child birth class, we're officially ready for the birthing process =) The last class just went over what we had learned, and we had a last minute walk through of the maternity floor. Poppa and mommy had already taken a tour in the past, but this time, it was way better because now we're way closer to the real deal, and next time we set foot in that hospital will be when baby's on his way to this world!!! AND this time in our tour we actually got to SEE two real live newborn babies. The thing is that at our hospital they only have the babies in the nursery an hour after they are born to take their APGAR scores, and all that jazz, other than that the baby will be with momma and poppa the whole time, because they know how crucial the first hours of life are for a baby to bond with his parents. So when you see babies in the nursery it's only for a few minutes when they are only about an hour was BeAuTiFul seeing these newborns, I got teary eyed just thinking that our little boy looks like that in mommy's belly....that explains all the commotion in there.
Friday, Mommy and baby had a doctor appointment....Poppa couldnt make it this time but he'll be there at all the following appts, because this is crunch time. Well good news is baby's little heart is tickin like it should, and he's growing as big as his poppa, so much that the doc wants to see mommy on Wednesday for an ultrasound because she says mommy's belly is measuring a little bigger than average. Hey what can we say, that's a big baby in there....Mommy's not carrying all this extra weight for nothin you know. Im really excited about seeing our baby on the ultrasound since he's way bigger than the last time we saw him on that thing.
Mommy spent ALL day Saturday washing baby's brand new clothes, and organized it nicely. Mommy also went to Target to get a few essentials that baby will need like his tub, and bouncie.
See all of mommy's hard work:

Sunday was Mother's day and Mommy felt like it was her birthday all over again with all the well wishers texting her Happy Mother's day...=) Thank you all...
Mommy had quiet a scare when Grammy Crabby wasnt feeling well and called her to rush over to Glendora to help, since Nina Violet was not home. Grammy felt better and we were able to go celebrate mother's day with the fam, Marquez style...meaning in no particular order just wherever the food is which happened to be at cousin Nene's house this time. Poppa surprised mommy and showed up to spend time with the Marquezes, after he visited Grammy Paty....that was nice.
It was real nice to spend time with the fam, especially now that Mother's day has a WHOLE new meaning...
Look at these kodak moments with the BEST Grandmother EVER:

She's SO SWEET!!! Granny got ME flowers! For the Mommy-to-be...she said this is for "you and your baby..." Melts my heart!

This is what I was thinking, it's thanks to this wonderful woman, although petite in stature, she is the strongest person I know, and she is the reason why me and the rest of the Marquez family exists. Granny has endured such hardships in her life, and has faced them with such courage that has carried our family to succeed and it's thanks to her that we are all here today... that is why she's my Hero =) Im very proud that our son, will get to meet her, and I am grateful everyday we have with her here with us.
This is such a cute family picture....Everyone's so darn cheeful. Good job Marquez fam.

8 children, 24 grandchildren, and 8 great-grandchildren later....(not all in the picture of course)Great ending to a beautiful mother's day.

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