Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Little Noah

Little Noah's growing up so fast! Sorry mommy's been on hiatus, but she'll share what you've missed....So the last weekend in July the Arreola's took a family road trip to San Francisco! Here's the little guy nibbling on his toe, on the way there...☺ He he.....

Poppa and Noah at a Giants game...dont worry we all rooted for OUR home team ; )

Momma and Noah♥

Here's the little guy at the Golden Gate Bridge where it's always chilly..

Once we got back in town Noah decided it was time for a hair cut...

So here we go, hair cut # 4 for Noah...

And we were ready to continue with our travels so the Arreola's took a little trip down south, to San Diego, and went to Sea World...Noah's favorite place there: The Bay of Play☺

And this is why....our furry friends!
Noah had a play date with his buddy Joaquin a couple weeks ago, and he had a blast...unfortunately Joaquin was ready to call it a day, and Noah didnt get the message...he he...

Here's Noah going for a ride waiting for daddy to get home from work...and this is one of his newer tricks, where mommy says "ojitos" and he squints his little ojos, and makes a silly little cute!
Daddy was taking forever, so Noah stopped to smell the flowers♥

But once Daddy got home, we didnt let him rest, no sir, we went to the park! Yay!

Noah has energies for days...☺ He's such a healthy little guy. We ♥ him so!
Until next time amigos!