Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, March 30, 2009

Long weekend...

Yup Baby had a very busy weekend, first of all now that our new house is up and running, mommy had to clean up shop, and when I say mommy I mean, mommy AND baby, cause she doesnt go anywhere without him! And that's exactly what mommy and baby did Friday and Saturday while Poppa was busy at the USC Coaches Clinic. Mommy also went swimming with her belly buddy Faby, and Grammy Crabby at the Rosebowl. Mommy had been looking forward to the prenatal swimming classes, forever! And guess what when she gets there she finds out the class is cancelled!!! Bummer!!! So they have no other choice but to swim like little fishies in the water on their own.
On Saturday when Poppa got home he had a little present for baby...=) Being that he's a big SC fan, he bought baby a little outfit to wear on SC's first footiball game...Check it out...Tank you Poppa. =)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

99 Days to go....

Yup only 99 days to go til Baby gets here, it sounds like a lot of days, but I remember when I was counting down for our wedding last year, and boy after you hit the double digits those days sure go by fast!!! Yay!!! =) Can't wait to meet this little guy that has been kicking up a storm. Super excited me and my belly buddy Faby will be going to a prenatal swimming class next Friday...we're going to look like little blow fish floating in the pool. Just gotta make sure I can fit into a maternity bikini...He he....Here's a picture from our St. Patrick's Day lunch to celebrate our friend Sandra's B-day. Yay, Belly Buddies til the end...first we get married one month apart, now we have the same due date, June 26th, AND we're both having boys! AAAWWWW....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Quick little update on yesterday's class. It was very fun, we each had our little infant that we did CPR on, including Grammy Paty. I really really did learn a lot, and am very happy we took this course. Next course coming up in April will be the dreaded...childbirth classes, and I say this because if we're taking those classes it means baby's almost here, which is a good thing, but the delivery part is what frightens me. And I was thinking to myself yesterday that there is nothing to fear but fear itself =/ Well I feel like Im making myself more nervous, anxious, and scared about this by overanalysing it when it is the most natural thing that has been happening since human existence, and like one of my co-workers told me, just think of the worst pain EVER, and then when you go in there you'll have psyched yourself out, and think "Oh this isnt that bad."
Well as far as Grammy's birthday card from baby, she didnt cry, but she really really liked it =)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Lot's going on

This weekend baby was SO active!!! Yup baby's kicks are packing a punch nowadays, so much that Poppa was able to see my belly moving...I think he really enjoyed that =) Now can someone tell me what it means when baby's moving so much, is it that he's awake and playing with mommy's organs, or he's tossing and turning in there cause he cant's sleep, is he trying to escape through mommy's belly button, or are some of those movements baby's little gases?? What is it? Poppa and mommy arent really sure but we love it...I know I read that baby might kick or get hiccups when mommy eats spicy food, and if that's the case well he's gonna be kicking mommy all the time cause she loves spicy food, and so will he when he gets older.
Mommy and Poppa finally went to Target to register! Yay that was fun, but I think my favorite was Baby's R' Us because they have such a wider selection of stuff.
Tomorrow Mommy and Poppa will have their last session for Parenting classes which included baby safety and infant CPR, and we're able to bring someone so we're taking Grammy Paty, since she will be taking care of baby when mommy has to go back to work. And guess what it's Grammy Paty's birthday tomorrow, St.Patty's Day, hence the name Patricia=) What a better way to celebrate her birthday than to go learn how to take good care of baby. Little does she know that tomorrow she will get baby's first gift to her...a super cute card that says Happy Birthday Gramma and has a little boy on the cover. $5 bucks says she'll cry =) He he...I'll keep you posted on how that goes. Look Mommy's getting bigger everyday...I love being pregnant! I love my belly! I love my baby! And I love my baby daddy!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mommy and Daddy School

Mommy and Daddy had another parenting class, and it was very very educational. It's crazy how much we learn. I mean I've seen other people with their babies, and have actually taken care of lotsa babies, and changed lots of diapers when I worked at a day care for a year, but never really knew all that it takes to take care of this baby if he's really yours and going to be with you 24/7. I cant wait! =) My baby's gonna be my best friend, he already is because he goes everywhere I go....I've been talking to him SO much, and I love him so.
So two things Mommy learned last night, lets of the most important things I learned was about baby's nutrition...Im going to try my darnest to breastfeed my baby and I learned when and what to start feeding baby once he's getting ready for solids, I was taking notes like a mad woman. Then I learned about the little mesh thing that you put fruit in to introduce the baby to fruits without choking hazards, and it serves as a teether soother thinger too, which I never ever knew. That was so cool. The part baby didnt like, and I know he didnt like it cause he was kicking me in the gut, was about the immunizations, all that poking was making him irritable! So we just wont talk about those anymore until the time comes to poke his chubby little leg...=( Um we learned about sad stuff too like when baby gets the runs, and what to do with that, so that was very helpful, but hopefully baby comes out healthy like a champ just like his poppa. Poor papa had to miss the state basketball game, yup Reseda made it to the finals, and poppa couldnt even be there, but I think he had more fun in class than at the game...right poppa? =) Well things to do this week include, picking up baby's crib from Baby's R' Us, maybe getting to painting baby's room, (pwease Poppa!), AND visiting Target! =) Exciting...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Learning to be a Mommy...and Daddy =)

So...last night was our first Parenting class, and it was SO much fun! =) It was a little scary too though, when the instructor showed us a video about how the baby looks when he's just born, and the scary part to me is how fragile they look....scary =( Good news is Poppa and Mommy learned how to give baby his sponge baths when he gets home so he's nice and clean, since he wont be able to take a real bath til after his umbilical cord stump falls off. That was fun. Poppa did such a good job, he's gonna be great! Those classes are SO helpful, I dont know how anyone can take a baby home from the hospital without first attenting them. Im really really excited about them. It was kind of funny though playing with our little pretend baby boy. =)

Monday, March 2, 2009


Lots of activity once again this weekend with Baby. The funniest thing happened on Thursday as Mommy was sitting in a meeting at work, and baby kept making this funny feeling inside...he had the hiccups! It's the cutest feeling, but I also want to help him get rid of em, cause I know how annoying they can be, so I just try to pat my belly (on baby's back) and drink water.
Good news is Baby got himself a bed =) Thanks to Gramy Paty. Yup Mommy and Gramy Paty went shopping on Friday for baby's crib, and ended up buying the crib, and the dresser (See pictures below). Mommy also bought baby one of his first little outfits. It's SO exciting to look at all of baby's new things like furniture and clothes, me and Gramy were like kids in a candy store at Baby's R'Us. Poppa and Mommy start Parenting classes tomorrow, I am SO excited, it seems like starting the classes is just one step closer to having baby here.