Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baby Shower, Baby Shower!!!

He he, Baby just had his first baby shower EVER!!! He had SO much fun, he's wiped! SO really quick I'll share with everyone some pix, and tell you bout mommy & baby's favorite parts of the party...first of all lot's of mommy's friends from work where there...

There was lots of yummy food (very important) not to mention delicious cake...and special guests were Poppa, and Nina Violet!

I am SO SO grateful for having such great friends to welcome our little baby...he got SO much stuff! I cant wait to get home and unpack everything!!! Yay!

This was my favorite...poppa was so excited about this gift, and he didnt even know what it is! Poppa it's a microwave sterilizer for my bottles! Dont worry you'll find out soon enough =)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I asked Poppa to one day write a lil something, and he delivered...

Amazing and Wonderful...Wow...this journey has been so amazing. Not only the past 7 months of pregnancy, but the past 5 years of my life. My wife is such an amazing individual and has truly filled me with absolute joy. The past 7 months have been such a blessing starting with that infamous morning when we took the pregnancy test. I remember the day, being sooo happy, but yet highly unsure of what the pregnancy stick told us. Well take a look at Rocio now, I guess when they guarantee 99% accuracy they're not messing around : ) Rocio is such a wonderful mommy-to be...she reads up on all the literature thats important to make sure we are prepared. I try to do my part, but really she's the glue holding everything together. Our baby is sooo lucky because his mommy will be such a great parent. You can see it now her relationship with baby is so beautiful. We are two lucky dudes for sure.
Well as for me I can't begin to describe this wonderful feeling I have on a daily basis just knowing my son is almost here ready to meet us and start his life. I want to make sure I have everything possible so he can lead a sound healthy life. I am going to do everything I can to be a good parent. I know it will be a learning process ( so any of you poppas out there i'm always open for advice) but ultimately I will learn daily on my own with my son and his mommy. If I can be half the parent my mother was to me I know he will be in great hands (shot out to my mother) She has truly molded me into the man I am...obviously with tremendous love and care, but more importantly with the values and beliefs needed to be a good respectful individual. My mother will also be a super grandmother...she has been ready to have a grandson for years now, and she couldn't be happier for me and Rocio.
Well for now thanks to all that have continued supporting us and have kept up with the blog. I love my wife and I love my son and soon we will all meet him.

Monday, April 27, 2009


LOVE MY BABY BUMP!!! =) I really really do. Lotsa people were asking Mommy this weekend if she liked being pregnant and the truth of the matter is that I absolutely LOVE it. Regardless of the heartburn, the backpain, the stretch marks, my swollen feet, my swollen everything...I have never ever thought to myself that I was tired of this or that I wanted this to be over...because just the beautiful, amazing feeling of our baby moving inside my belly, and seeing Poppa's eyes light up when he feels baby's ALL worth it. I actually am really going to miss baby moving inside me the day he comes out because we have been so close all this time. Im really really falling in love with this little boy. He's like a little person in there, he's been SO active, and it's funny because when I wake up in the middle of the night for bathroom runs, he wakes up too, so it's just such a great feeling to know that he's with me, all the time. These past few nights mommy's been getting a case of insomnia, dont know why...Im beat at the end of the day but I just go to bed tossin and turnin, and baby's tossin and turnin in my belly too...last night I was laying in bed at 3AM, and I had a smile on my face because I felt baby moving in there, and I couldnt sleep a wink, but I didnt care I was so happy! Feeling baby moving in there means, he's alive and kickin and that's all that matters to me.
I'll give everyone a recap of baby's weekend. Baby went with mommy and poppa to class to learn what to do when he comes out to meet the world, only 2 more classes to rehearse, then we just sit and wait for the big show. Yikes!
Friday, Nina Violet came over and we went shopping for a few things for the baby shower coming up, yay!!! Tank you Nina Violet, for the great shabang you're going to throw us....=) Saturday Baby went to see Poppa at work, he had a passing league game, and baby LOVEd seeing poppa at work, cause one day poppa's gonna be baby's coach too! In fact poppa says baby's gonna be BORN with a little helmet! He he, I hope he meant that figuratively or did he forget where baby has to come out through!?
The big ending to our weekend was yesterday when we went to...auntie Cindy, and uncle Ray's Wedding Shower! Yay!!! Baby had SO much fun seeing all of our friends that we hadnt seen in forever! Baby was dancing in baby's belly pretty much all day long, so much that mommy was afraid she might be going into labor....but luckily baby stayed put and he's still cooking in there. Poppa was real happy having fun with his friends, he even had his dancin shoes on yesterday. Baby liked dancin with mommy and poppa, even though all mommy could do was the two step, from side to side. =) Lookie how beautiful everyone looked =)

And the big news of the day yesterday was that....tan taran....Our friend's Javi & Liz are going to be parents TOO!!! Yay! Here's our fellow mommy-to-be, Liz....Her baby's 3 mos. old in her belly, so Baby will have someone looking up to him =) He he. We are so excited for them, and Mommy's super excited since now she has a fellow mommy in her neck of the woods so when our baby's our here, we can have play dates =)

I want to take a sec to thank all of the fans that tune in every now and then to see how our family is doing....I love keeping everyone updated, and writing my thoughts on here is very therapeutic but mostly fun =) I really really appreciate everyone taking time to see how baby's growing in mommy's belly, and checkin in on how the Arreola's are taking in all of this change in this beautiful journey. It means so much to us. And if at any time I've made you laugh, or entertained you even for a sec, then my job here is done. =)

Well stay tuned this week, is party week! Baby shower at work on Wednesday, and our co-ed shower at Grammy's house on can't wait!!!! =)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Fun filled weekend!!!

No wonder Mommy's SO freakin tired! We had a jam packed weekend. Starting with Thursday night's Childbirth class...well since Im off Fridays, I count Thursday as the beginning of my weekend ; ) We saw another childbirth video which was even more graphic than the first, and I guess they're just trying to engrave it in our heads that it's not going to be a pretty sight but the outcome will be more than worth the wait.
Friday, Mommy and Daddy went to the doctor, and heard baby's beautiful little heart beat. Everythings going smoothly with baby, but since mommy and daddy are "incompatible" (only in blood Type) mommy had to get a shot on her buttocks to prevent the antibodies fighting with baby's blood cells. Mommy and baby will be fine, but mommy's buttocks was sore for the whole day =/
Saturday, Mommy and Daddy got all dressed up and went to Claudia and Juve's wedding. Yup, I think baby was even wearing a little bow tie in there....that's what I think. Our wedding photographer did their wedding, and he took pictures of Mommy and Poppa and promised to take pictures of baby when he arrives...for freezie!!!! Woop woop! =)

Mommy looks ginormous and no matter what angle she tries to pose in, there's no denying it she's as big as a whale, but she loves her best feature which is her beautiful baby bump =) That's my baby belly, 30 weeks old...
It was funny Nina Violet caught the bouquet, so you know what that means.....tan tan tan TAN!!!

Well on Sunday, we had the Marquez family over...Mommy and baby had SO much fun!
Grammy Crabby came in complaining about the heat, but Poppa calmed her down, and Gramps came too, along with the guest of honor, Lilita Elenita =) It was so very special to have Mommy's peeps over to see our new home, and our baby's room!

And guess what....Baby Bella, came over and visited her sister, (well it was her sister but now they're just cousins) baby Joni. They missed each other so much.
The funniest thing happened, Bella decided to go for a swim....well in case you didnt know...english bulldogs are not meant to be swimmers, at least thats what the books say, but Bella was so hot that she went in for a dip, and she sunk straight to the bottom! She tried to paddle her way up and as soon as she thought she had it she started sinking again! So here comes Poppa to the rescue! (He's my hero! =) Yup Poppa rescued baby Bella from the water, he even scraped his knee doing so...luckily she was fine, she just tossed her breakfast with the fright, but no harm done...although Poppa says that if she would've needed CPR he would've gone in, no problem. =) He's such a sweetheart, he loves baby Bella, and our beautiful baby Joni =)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Weekend

ZZZzzz...Im still wiped after the LONG weekend....we had company over from San Diego and it was a FULL house. =) Poppa, Mommy and Baby had alot of fun with our guest but after they left yesterday we seriously laid on the couch watching movies for the rest of the day and didnt get up except to eat dinner. We were spent! He he.
Poppa was SO great this weekend, he was all over the place getting things done around the house to accomodate our guests, and was very very helpful. Poppa is THE best =)
The great news is that baby got his crib assembled and now baby's room is ready to be filled with all his baby stuff!!! Thanks to Uncle Tovar...
And thanks to Auntie Chantal baby has a beautiful cake to decorate his room which will later be used to cover his little poopie butt =) Awww..cant wait for that little poopie butt to get here.
Oh yeah the other nice part of having a full house this weekend was baby's cousin Madilyn. She's a beauty! She slept in baby's room and in the middle of the night I heard her cry and it was so beautiful to hear a baby's cry in our new house, cause guess what there's gonna be alot of that in just two months. Yup something tells me baby will be making an early appearance to have Poppa celebrate Father's Day this year ; )
To get ready for that big day, Mommy and Poppa had their first Childbirth Class this past Thursday. It was funny cause Poppa was p'od at Mommy but he cheered up when he was making fun of Mommy's leg cramps, those son of a guns, make Mommy want to say not so nice words... =/ Anywho it was very very interesting, we watched two childbirths which were both scary but put me at ease to see that the ladies survived the whole traumatic event, and the baby's were born nice and healthy. That's all I ask....=)
Other great news on the front is that Mommy's friends at work informed her that they will be throwing her a Baby Shower on April 29th! Yay! =) He he it was funny they decided to tell Mommy about it because last year she almost ruined her own Bridal Shower, when she wanted to "telecomute" on the day her surprise shower was supposed to be, so this time to avoid any mishaps they just told Mommy about it and she is very very excited and grateful to have such great friends! And now that Mommy knows when it is, Poppa's gonna get a special invite to attend as well, Nina too, cause Nina looks like Mommy (or at least used to)....that'll be the first time Poppa comes to Mommy's work, so she's gonna be on her best behavior >=) SO Baby showers galore that week!!! First the one at work on Wednesday, and then the big shabang, with all our closest friends and family at Grammy Crabby's house =) Can't wait!!!!!!! Yesterday Mommy got a little emotional cause baby was SO active and she told Poppa that baby's "almost here" and just the thought that this long journey is almost coming to an end was a bit overwhelming, with joy of course, because as this process ends, it'll be just the beginning of the rest of our lives with our first born child...OUR's incredible.
Mommy and Poppa really gotta go to church, we have so much to be thankful for and this Easter Sunday we were so wiped we didnt make it, but in our hearts we were there baby Jesus. Tank you Baby Jesus. =)
Things to do this week: walk, walk, walk, Childbirth class Thursday, Doctor Appointment Friday (baby's 30 weeks in the belly), and Claudia's wedding Saturday, yay!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Baby's Bedroom

So...Poppa's on Spring Break, and he has been working round the clock on projects around the house. Kinda funny how he's gotten so many home improvements done these past 3 days that his nephews have been here...I might have to investigate some child exploitation...=) He he... But anywho so on the agenda for Wednesday was painting baby's room. We got the paint Monday night, and everything was ready to go. When Mommy gets home after a long day at work, Poppa is still in the middle of working on Baby's room and asks mommy not to go upstairs for about one hour. So Mommy gets to cooking and is done cooking, she gets to cleaning and is done cleaning, then she gets to resting and she's wondering what the heck is taking so long, it sounds like they really got something up their sleeves upstairs but Poppa doesnt want Mommy to know...Mommy had some time to kill so she went to play with Baby Joni (our pup) and saw that Poppa had something else up his sleeve....he went to pick up baby's crib and dresser! Yay!
Well Mommy is FINALLY able to go upstairs and this is what she saw....

It was B-E-A-utiful!!! Not only did Poppa and the kids paint the room, but they added the borders of our precious little all star bear themes, and he had the rug, to go with it. Mommy was exhausted, but when she feasted her eyes on this she forgot about everything and had a smile from ear to ear, it was SO adorable, and just to see how happy and proud Poppa was, and the kids were so excited to see Mommy's reaction that it was just so so beautiful! And to think that this is how this room originally looked.....

Yup that hunka junk was baby's room when we first bought the house, and slowly but surely it's almost ready for baby to move in...just in time too... =) All it took was a little patience, paint and elbow grease (the new windows make a world of a difference too)...=)

Poppa's so funny, he liked how the room turned out So much that he says it's "sick" he means it in a good way of course, that's what he's been saying about our house everytime it starts looking better and better....he even asked if he could sleep there...he he! Well Poppa one day you and Baby can have a little slumber party in his room...Im sure Baby will like that. =) Just the boys k. Mommy will stay in her master suite getting some shut has something to say to Poppa, and his cousins Danny and Adam: Tank you Tank you Tank you!!! Tank you Poppa for being the BEST, and for loving me & Mommy so much. We love you Poppa!!!! Danny and Adam you aint so bad yourselves ; ) Just dont burn the house down tonight when we got to our Childbirth class... >=)

Monday, April 6, 2009

I love my baby bump!

He he, yup, I really really love my little baby bump...I mean BIG baby bump...he's growing SO much, everyone tells me Im ginormous and it's ok, it's all for our beautiful little baby. =)
This weekend was grand, we visited Poppa's family in San Diego, and now that he's on spring break he's painting the baby's room! Yay by the end of the week we will pick up baby's crib, and set it up, and get his room going. =) Cant wait...Also going on this week, is our first childbirth class..yikes! Im excited about that. Lotsa lotsa acitvity going on now, cause the clock is winding down! I love this shirt, my belly buddy gave it to me when we found out it was a boy...isnt it adorable! It's our little baby in mommy's belly with his little umbilical cord, and placenta... my 28 week belly =)