Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, April 27, 2009


LOVE MY BABY BUMP!!! =) I really really do. Lotsa people were asking Mommy this weekend if she liked being pregnant and the truth of the matter is that I absolutely LOVE it. Regardless of the heartburn, the backpain, the stretch marks, my swollen feet, my swollen everything...I have never ever thought to myself that I was tired of this or that I wanted this to be over...because just the beautiful, amazing feeling of our baby moving inside my belly, and seeing Poppa's eyes light up when he feels baby's ALL worth it. I actually am really going to miss baby moving inside me the day he comes out because we have been so close all this time. Im really really falling in love with this little boy. He's like a little person in there, he's been SO active, and it's funny because when I wake up in the middle of the night for bathroom runs, he wakes up too, so it's just such a great feeling to know that he's with me, all the time. These past few nights mommy's been getting a case of insomnia, dont know why...Im beat at the end of the day but I just go to bed tossin and turnin, and baby's tossin and turnin in my belly too...last night I was laying in bed at 3AM, and I had a smile on my face because I felt baby moving in there, and I couldnt sleep a wink, but I didnt care I was so happy! Feeling baby moving in there means, he's alive and kickin and that's all that matters to me.
I'll give everyone a recap of baby's weekend. Baby went with mommy and poppa to class to learn what to do when he comes out to meet the world, only 2 more classes to rehearse, then we just sit and wait for the big show. Yikes!
Friday, Nina Violet came over and we went shopping for a few things for the baby shower coming up, yay!!! Tank you Nina Violet, for the great shabang you're going to throw us....=) Saturday Baby went to see Poppa at work, he had a passing league game, and baby LOVEd seeing poppa at work, cause one day poppa's gonna be baby's coach too! In fact poppa says baby's gonna be BORN with a little helmet! He he, I hope he meant that figuratively or did he forget where baby has to come out through!?
The big ending to our weekend was yesterday when we went to...auntie Cindy, and uncle Ray's Wedding Shower! Yay!!! Baby had SO much fun seeing all of our friends that we hadnt seen in forever! Baby was dancing in baby's belly pretty much all day long, so much that mommy was afraid she might be going into labor....but luckily baby stayed put and he's still cooking in there. Poppa was real happy having fun with his friends, he even had his dancin shoes on yesterday. Baby liked dancin with mommy and poppa, even though all mommy could do was the two step, from side to side. =) Lookie how beautiful everyone looked =)

And the big news of the day yesterday was that....tan taran....Our friend's Javi & Liz are going to be parents TOO!!! Yay! Here's our fellow mommy-to-be, Liz....Her baby's 3 mos. old in her belly, so Baby will have someone looking up to him =) He he. We are so excited for them, and Mommy's super excited since now she has a fellow mommy in her neck of the woods so when our baby's our here, we can have play dates =)

I want to take a sec to thank all of the fans that tune in every now and then to see how our family is doing....I love keeping everyone updated, and writing my thoughts on here is very therapeutic but mostly fun =) I really really appreciate everyone taking time to see how baby's growing in mommy's belly, and checkin in on how the Arreola's are taking in all of this change in this beautiful journey. It means so much to us. And if at any time I've made you laugh, or entertained you even for a sec, then my job here is done. =)

Well stay tuned this week, is party week! Baby shower at work on Wednesday, and our co-ed shower at Grammy's house on can't wait!!!! =)

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I saw your blog address on FB!!! I LOVE your stories so dame cute! You are going to be a great mommmy! Your so in love now with your lil buddy just wait till you see him there will be no words! Now you saw David his life is the 3 of us! There is much love in my life and I also see it in yours!!!! We are Blessed!!!!
