Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, June 29, 2009


So here are some pix I'd like to share from our beautiful journey...
On our way to the hospital...

At the hospital, getting ready try to push this baby out...

Since the pushing didnt work...Poppa getting ready to go in to the Operating room...

Here is where I heard the most beautiful sound in the world....our baby's first cry...

We could not be happier...the best feeling in the world...our baby's soft, warm cheek next to mine...
Baby Noah...sleeping so peacefully...

On our way out of the ready to blow that joint...

Baby's ride home...

And proud poppa coming home with his son...BEAUTIFUL!

I do apologize for the sideways pix, but this laptop is very very difficult on me, and I rather spend time watching our baby sleep than fiddling with this thing, but I did want to share some pix....We are loving every minute of being parents to this beautiful baby boy...even the minutes at 4AM when he doesnt want to go to sleep! He he...=) I love it!

Friday, June 26, 2009


To all our faithful viewers that were waiting for news updates and didnt get them, sorry, but I want to share our experience, and will try to make it brief. We went in on Saturday evening to get induced, after 24 hours it didnt take, tried it again for another 12 hours, and it was killing me! The pain was excruciating and we we're not progressing, so the doc ordered an ultrasound to make sure how big this little guy was, and the nurse comes in saying Im not having a baby boy...Im having a baby COW! !! He was weighing in at 9 and 1/2 pounds!!! He he...I laughed, I was SO happy, I didnt care that they were going to have to cut me up to get this little guy out I just wanted to meet him....
So here it goes, we went in for a C-section into the OR at 5PM on Monday, June 22, 2009. The lucky participants to witness this event was of course poppa, and baby's favorite auntie/Nina...Sis... I was very happy to have her there for support, and she was also our camera guy, he he... Well I was a nervous wreck and was shaking in my bridges because it was so cold in there but mostly because I was very very nervous. They put in my spinal block, and poppa and sis were getting on their scrubs...when they came into the room, they just had a sec to take a seat, and they cut me open, I didnt feel a thing, just heard poppa and sis react when the amniotic sac ruptured and caused a waterfall....then felt some pushing on my lungs and the next thing I heard I will never forget....the sound of our beautiful baby boy's cry....
Baby Noah Alonso Arreola, born at 5:27PM, weighing in at 9lbs, 3 oz, measuring 20 inches...
I was crying with such intense emotions running through me...they didnt raise him up so I couldnt see him, and Poppa nearly jumped over the little curtain to look at him, and ran over to the scale to see baby get cleaned up...Sis did here I was staring at the ceiling listening to his beautiful cries, and wondering what he looked like...a few minutes later the doc brought him over to me, and he was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen...she put him near my cheek and his cheek was so soft and warm, I was in love. They took him to the nursery and Poppa followed him...Sis wanted to go to but I asked her to stay with me. I was off to the recovery room when they stitched me up and was really out of it, but wanted to see our beautiful son....Poppa brough him over to me as soon as he could. That night was very blurry with all the drugs, but I remember Poppa being the best dad ever. It was beautiful....The next few days at the hosptial were full of overwhelming emotions with such joy that he was finally here, and a lot, a lot of learning going on, like when Poppa woke up at 4:30AM to change his first diaper ever because momma was in too much pain to get up....and mommy trying to feed's been the greates couple of days for me and dadda, and we could not be happier...we were finally able to come home yesterday and we are very happy to be home with our bundle of joy, and feel our home is really complete....
Thank you all for your calls and wishes. We are getting adjusted to life with our baby and hope to soon have our friends and family meet him personally...
He's such a great baby, full head of hair, very mellow, and makes the most beautiful face expressions...melts my heart......Mommy and Daddy love you baby...and are so happy you are finally here...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

And we're off...

Ok everybody it's "go time" finally got a good night's sleep, and just had our last Mommy, Dadda, Nina, and both grammy's are off to the hospital....Yay!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

This just in....

Sorry to keep everyone in suspense, I would've updated everyone sooner about our doctor appointment this morning but after a week of no sleeping, it finally caught up to me and I was tired and very grumpy this morning so when we got back from the doctor's I went straight into the sack...
Well here's the verdict....
Baby should be here for sure by Sunday, June 21st, for Father's day!!!!
Details: Doctor checked me and guess cervix is still closed, grrr....well she said that baby is just floating around in there, and since he is so big and strong, she's going to induce me to kick up labor, and get this baby outta here for the world to meet!
Poppa and I have an appointment tomorrow, Saturday June 20th at 5:30PM at our hospital to start getting induced. I've been reading up on this, and feel relieved that a lot of women go onto have natural labors, and Poppa and I watched a Baby Story where the lady was induced around 8AM, and had the baby around 7PM that evening...let's hope that we are so lucky ; )
Thank you EVERYONE for keeping up with our story, I hope to keep you posted on how everything goes, hey and if there's internet access maybe you'll get a blog, live at the scene =) Otherwise I will write in my journal and later transcribe it on to here, so you know every detail of this experience. In the end all we want is our little bundle of joy to be born healthy, and for us to be able to hold him in our arms. So keep us in your prayers and we'll see you at the other end of this marvelous journey. (Tear...I can't believe this long awaited moment is almost here!)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Last night...

Didnt bring a damn thing but another restless, sleepless sack of potatoes man...I went to bed at 10:30PM, was tossin and turning with my annoying friend the rash, and about midnight took a cold shower, that didnt work. Tossed and turned for another oh what was it, about 5 freakin hours, and then decided to eat a banana cause baby was hungry, and took a Claritin, and finally was able to fall asleep at 5am when it was starting to get light outside. I got about 3 hours of sleep, not all together of course, that would be too much to ask for.
I didnt have any more of those joyous but painful belly pains. =/
This morning I went for my morning walk, and made it a brisk one like yesterdays, but still no belly pains...what the heck man? Gee wiz!
Well I plan to take at least one more walk by the end of the day because I secretly want baby to be born by midnight tomorrow...meaning the 19th! Because =)...Poppa's birthday is July 19th....aww wouldnt that be swell! So it's our little secret, and I will try to do my part to make it happen, but ultimately it's up to you little guy ; )

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Well after about an hour of major belly pains today, they subsided and I went to the mall with cousin Lety and the rest of the fam, to walk it out in hopes the pains would return and they did a couple times, but still nothing consistent....So I havent had any other activity since about 4PM, lets see what tonight brings....Keep ya posted...


Everyone we are now on Code Red! I repeat...Code Red...this morning after my walk I began getting belly pains....and they have not gone away, they keep happening but in no particular order, so Im on see if that helps me time them...
I just want to know if this is the real deal!! AAAAHHHH!!!
Hope to keep you posted, but if you dont hear from me in a while, then I may not have internet access at the hospital if you know what I mean ; ) Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last night...

Was a NIGHTMARE! There are No words to describe how I felt last night, unless you throw in some bad words in there, but we dont say bad words! =/ Allow me to walk you through my night...poppa stayed up with me watching TV because I told him we were going to pull an all nighter to avoid my rash flare ups, but he had to close up shop at 11:30, so I was left all by myself with this evil rash after that staring at the ceiling. At midnight after I almost scratched my skin off I decided to cool down with a bath...and go rock myself to sleep on baby's rocker, but that only kept my rash calm for a little while, and didnt get me a wink of sleep...then I moved back to the bed because I yearned for those nights way back when, when I could just lay there with my 5 pillows and doze off to never never land...well didnt happen I tossed and turned for hours, maybe sleeping for about 20 minutes, when I woke up scratching off my skin again, and not knowing what to do I decided to go in for ANOTHER bath....I came back to bed close to 4AM and decided to trick myself, I left the hallway light on, and just sat up in bed pretending I wasnt going to sleep but guess what it worked, I was able to fall asleep! For 2 hours, before I had to wake up to my itching skin, and decided to go get ready for our doctor appointment....Lovely night I tell ya! I was just beyond myself! I didnt know if to be mad, or cry, or what, but my poor little skin is severely distraught. =(
Well lets fast forward a couple hours later to our DOCTOR APPOINTMENT! Yay! =)
So, I was hoping for 2 things from this doc today...check if Im dilating, and cure my rash...just kidding...So doc comes in asks how Im doing I tell her not so good this darn rash is flaring up and has made me miserable, she asks me if I took the Benadryl I lie tell her yes, because I dont want to take meds, but she says I have to take Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night so that it can hold me down til the baby's born, she says it's called PUPP and it's very common, so just take it and it will not affect I give in! I will take it gosh darn it if it will tame down this evil beast of a rash, as long as I can have it in writing that our little son, will not be effected =) He he....
So next item of business was our baby's ultrasound, it didnt tell us what station baby's in, meaning the position in my pelvis so we know if he's getting near the exit, but she confirmed baby's about 8 lbs...and due to my petite size, she wanted to check my dilation status, but decides to wait til Friday to see me once more and check at that point how far I am.....then she says...that depending how far Im dilated she might induce me on Sunday! I am totally against any kind of artificial, drug-induced action on my body, but at this stage she said it could help me avoid a c-section before baby gets any bigger, and it means we can FINALLY meet Im leaving it in God's hands what he wants, either send baby to us before all that happens, or have doc induce me...and speaking of this infamous doc, I had a few not so nice words in my head to tell her, as some of you can see from my prior posts, but I take it all back...if our beautiful baby's life..and mine, are under her care, then I have to respect her, be hopeful and trust that she is doing the right thing...
Well before we leave our weekly appointment doc does her usual routine of hearing our beautiful baby's heartbeat, and as it is he was already real active in mommy's belly with all those butterflies swirling around him, that when mommy laid down and doc put the little doppler on her belly baby squirmed in there! It was funny because I sure as heck felt the jolt, and Poppa and the doc just laughed because they saw my belly jiggled....aww poor baby was startled, he thought doc was going to open mommy's belly up and let him out...=) I got teary eyed when I heard his strong little heart beat because I feel so bad that he has to go through my restless nights with me, and his little sleep is interrupted as well, AND he has to feel mommy so darn tense, frustrated, sad, and in discomfort....but I was So glad to hear he was ok in there. So Poppa and I left there with a sigh of relief that baby is BIG and strong, and that mommy can hopefully find some relief in these darn medications....
We went to have breakfast and I told poppa that either way you look at it, this time next week we will have our baby here! Gosh that is just incredible to think that we will finally see him...I wonder what he will look like, and what he will do when he first sees and hears Mommy and Poppa...that's going to be amazing...I love it I cant wait.
So I will keep you posted on any signs of rythmic activity on this end...othewise, we'll wait and see what happens Friday...but I sure hope we have some acitvity my then ; )
Fingers and toes crossed remember!

Monday, June 15, 2009

11 days to go....

Im very excited to meet my baby and very ready but Im getting bummed out that I dont see a lot of activity or as much as I wish...I had a few cramps yesterday after our walk and at 1am during my restless night when I was rocking in the chair in baby's room.....Now that's the main reason why Im SO bummed, during this pregnancy I've never felt that I want the baby to come out for selfish reasons such as being uncomforbable, or so big, or so tired or the backaches, nothing like that, I will enjoy every minute my baby is inside me, and every minute of feeling his beautiful little movements, but I've come to a point where I am getting desperate and so damn frustrated because of this freakin rash! It's making me so freakin miserable, first of all because I feel bad for my little baby having to feel me almost scratching my freakin skin off, and me feeling so darn tense at night with the skin burning itch, and the restlessness, poor little thing has stayed up with me a couple nights....I havent slept more than 3 or 4 hours since last Wendesday, and now as if that wasnt enough this rash took over days now too, I couldnt even watch the laker game in peace yesterday...I feel bad for my body going through so many changes and now my skin feeling like a freakin reptile...Yesterday I reached a breaking point because I dont want our baby to think I want him out because of my own agenda, I want him out because me and poppa really want him here, but I also need some relief from this darn curse of a rash for my own sanity....I even thought for a sec that I might need to see the doc, and then I laughed, what the heck is that good-for-nothing going to tell's just unfortunate? Wait a few days after delivery and it will subside? Yeah, I can figure that out on my own, from my 2 minute research done on the web thank you very much, but I guess that's why she gets the big bucks right...
Well, in a way I liked last night when I was rockin for a while in baby's room because I could just picture myself being in there with baby during his little restless nights, and I loved it! I will do it with a smile, because I will be there with him, and soothing I guess in a way these couple hours of sporadic sleep are practice huh...look at the bright side =/
Well I just needed to vent for a hot second, and update everyone wondering if this little guy is out, he's not...but I have a real good feeling about this week... =) Hopefully! Fingers and toes crossed! We will see that useless doc tomorrow morning before she goes on her vacation, and the least she can do is tell me that Im dilating!!! That will just make my day! Keep ya posted ; )

Friday, June 12, 2009

I got poop...

Pruritic Uticarial Papules and Plaques of Pregnancy, also known as PUPPP, is a benign, severely itchy and painful skin rash, that occurs in one out of 240 pregnancies and leaves the expectant mother in despair for relief.
PUPPP, as some women describe the rash, in a comparison to a feeling of poison oak and chicken pox, generally begins around the abdomen or thighs and can spread over the entire body except for the face, neck and hands. It has the appearance of bumpy, itchy papules that eventually spread to take on the appearance of reddened, scalded skin with welts. It generally feels worse at night and often causes sleep loss due to the intense itch.
The average onset of PUPPP generally occurs around 35 weeks of gestation, however, it has been reported from women as early as 20 weeks. In some cases it may appear in first pregnancies, but has occurred in women with previous pregnancies. PUPPP usually disappears shortly after delivery, but it can remain during the postpartum period.
There are many theories as to the cause of PUPPP, however, it still remains a mystery. One study conducted in France by Dr. Selim Aracting and his colleagues have reported studies linking PUPPP with cells from the developing male fetus. Their studies suggest that fetal cells can invade the mother's skin during pregnancy and in some way cause this dermatosis to develop. Oddly 70 percent of women with PUPPP give birth to boys. This correlation has given rise to the hypothesis that male fetal DNA acts as a skin irritant, but conclusive evidence is still needed. However, not all expectant mothers who develop PUPPP have male babies.
Trying to find relief can be an ongoing battle when an expectant mother is living with PUPPP. The sun, heat, warm water, and clothing can aggravate the rash. It is generally best to wear loose clothing and to try to keep the body as cool as possible. Treatment may consist of topical and/or oral corticosteroids. If you choose a homeopathic approach, some women have reported relief with the use of aloe, oatmeal bath soaks, ice packs, and the use of vaious lotions and soaps.

My little baby boy is causing my rash....awww =) I love my little rash....
See anything can be found on the web.... ; ) I feel better now...Im not looney.

38 weeks today!

Baby's officially 38 weeks old today, so we have 2 more weeks to go for his due date but Im ready for him to come NOW! =)
So I havent had any more tummy pains, BUT something horrible is going on with my skin! Last night I couldnt sleep a wink, I was just tossin and turnin because I have a rash in my bellly and it itches like no other! Well now not only is my poor belly on fire all night, but my legs and arms start to itch too, so I dont know what's going on? I told my useless doc on Tuesday about it and she told me to take Benadryl which I Dont want to do because I've tried not to take medication until now and Im not about to start it up, so I've just been putting hydrocortizone and caladryl, that pink thing reminds me of when I was 5 years old and had chicken pox, so I even started thinking during my restless night what if I have chicken pox? The thing is I dont really even have bumps, my skin just itches! Then I started thinking maybe it's anxiety, and Im just making this all up in my head??? Well believe me when my skin was on fire last night I wasnt makin nothin up! I felt SO bad for baby because he must've been dizzy in there with all the tossin and turnin I was doing. I'd be surprised if I got a couple hours of sleep in between all that moving....and the stupid thing is that it decides to flare up at night! Well it's itchin right now too, isnt that just great! Im going to go on the world wide web to see if I can diagnose myself and treat myself while Im at it =( Today poppa's giving his class an early final, so he can have grades done early, and tomorrow Poppa has a passing league game, last football responsibility for a while, so maybe baby will decide to come out on SUNDAY yay!!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

16 days to go...

Since the clock is really winding down, Im going to try to keep everyone posted on every little thing that goes Well last night or this morning I woke up at 1AM with major belly and back pains. And baby was moving SO much, which struck me as odd because he had been awake for a long time in the evening, AND he never really wakes me up at night, so Im wondering if he was up packing his bags? Well anyway I finnally dosed off after about an hour of pains, and then began to have a nightmare that I was at a strange mall, and wearing a dress and my water broke, when I was trying to call Poppa on my cell, I couldnt get through to him! Scary! Well I woke up in a sweat, and Daddy was right next to me, so that made me feel better. Baby was still moving a lot in there, I wonder if he's moving lower? I really dont know what is going on in there, but I hope nature's taking it's course. So this morning I woke up to make us breakfast before our walk,and once more these darn pains on my belly and my back are starting up.... So we'll see how today goes, and TONIGHT ; ) Im ready when you are baby! Poppa will have to make some changes to his schedule, but I think he wont mind...he he....=)
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today's Doctor Appointment

Sucked! Just kidding, it was just not as exciting as we hoped for....thought doc was going to check if the doors were opening up but she didnt, and doc didnt have ultrasound results yet, so she didnt have anything to say about that. We did hear our beautiful baby's heart beat...=) That's always nice. All in all I guess no news is good news right...I would much rather just hear baby's healthy heart, than hear the doc say something scary!
Well here's a picture of me and baby waiting to be checked.....
37 weeks, and 4 days old guys!!! Only a few more days to go....=)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Maternity Leave...

For all of those of you wondering, no Mommy hasnt popped yet!!! She's still waddling around =/
So, today's mommy's first official day on maternity leave, and what a better way to start it off than to go in for an ultrasound. Mommy and Daddy were able to see baby's chubby cheeks, and it even seemed like he waved to us! We were able to see he has poopie in his intestines, a full bladder, and was moving his lips drinking amniotic fluid. So looks like everything is functioning like it should in there. He looked real cramped though, as he should weighing in at about 8 lbs, now (give or take a few) We'll see what the doc has to say about that tomorrow! So hopefully he gets tired of being cramped up in there and decides to come home where he has his own room, and everything ready waiting for him...Yay!
I'll keep everyone posted if any rumbling in the tummy goes on, but until then I will keep walking hoping this baby starts heading down further south!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Just a quick update on baby's visit to the doctor today...Doc confirmed baby is making his way downtown....yup, she said baby's measuring lower this week, than last Tuesday when she saw that's GREAT! Maybe this time next week, we have baby in our arms...=)

Monday, June 1, 2009

Last Week of work...

Yay!!! This is Mommy's last week of work, Thursday's her last day, so after that Mommy will be on Maternity Leave!!! Im real excited because the past couple of weeks Jesus has taken the wheel on my way home, because Lord knows I've been sleeping...ZZZzzzz.... Seriously baby takes up all my energies, and I cant blame him, he's putting the finishing touches on his little body for when he comes to meet us =) I love our baby, he's SO active! Yesterday he poked me with his knee, and I thought he was gonna poke a whole in my belly! Poppa saw baby's activity, this little boy likes showing off for poppa, making mommy look like she has a little alien moving in her belly.
This weekend baby was making way to come home, because mommy had major tummy pains on Saturday, and Sunday morning. Saturday Mommy went to get a haircut since she probably wont have much time after baby's here, then Mommy went to Granny Elenita's house for a baptism party. Mommy was telling Nina Violet she thought it was time to go home, because this baby felt like he was ready to come out of mommy's pee-pee....literally. Luckily mommy and baby made it home safe, and baby's still in here cookin. Baby got some offers for baby sitting already by Tweedle dee and Tweedle dum...ha JUST Kidding...These girls are funny...They're Poppa's favorite cousins....and the funny thing is that when I was they're age, I was watching them during the summer when we visited cousin Lety....and now they want to come over and watch baby this summer, aint that somethin. My how time flies....

Dadda and Mommy went to church on Sunday to pray that Baby Jesus take care of Mommy and Baby on their long journey. And guess what baby got....His first little Bible!!! That's what Mommy really wanted to get baby, and the very best part is that it's in Spanish, with the cutest baby pictures for baby to enjoy. We want baby to learn Spanish just like his parents speak and READ Spanish!!! ; )

Baby has a Doctor appointment tomorrow morning, we'll see what the doc says, and baby has an Ultrasound on Friday, so he'll get all dressed up for that. ; )
June is here, so it's countdown time everybody!!!!