Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, June 12, 2009

38 weeks today!

Baby's officially 38 weeks old today, so we have 2 more weeks to go for his due date but Im ready for him to come NOW! =)
So I havent had any more tummy pains, BUT something horrible is going on with my skin! Last night I couldnt sleep a wink, I was just tossin and turnin because I have a rash in my bellly and it itches like no other! Well now not only is my poor belly on fire all night, but my legs and arms start to itch too, so I dont know what's going on? I told my useless doc on Tuesday about it and she told me to take Benadryl which I Dont want to do because I've tried not to take medication until now and Im not about to start it up, so I've just been putting hydrocortizone and caladryl, that pink thing reminds me of when I was 5 years old and had chicken pox, so I even started thinking during my restless night what if I have chicken pox? The thing is I dont really even have bumps, my skin just itches! Then I started thinking maybe it's anxiety, and Im just making this all up in my head??? Well believe me when my skin was on fire last night I wasnt makin nothin up! I felt SO bad for baby because he must've been dizzy in there with all the tossin and turnin I was doing. I'd be surprised if I got a couple hours of sleep in between all that moving....and the stupid thing is that it decides to flare up at night! Well it's itchin right now too, isnt that just great! Im going to go on the world wide web to see if I can diagnose myself and treat myself while Im at it =( Today poppa's giving his class an early final, so he can have grades done early, and tomorrow Poppa has a passing league game, last football responsibility for a while, so maybe baby will decide to come out on SUNDAY yay!!!!

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