Little Noah

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Last night...

Was a NIGHTMARE! There are No words to describe how I felt last night, unless you throw in some bad words in there, but we dont say bad words! =/ Allow me to walk you through my night...poppa stayed up with me watching TV because I told him we were going to pull an all nighter to avoid my rash flare ups, but he had to close up shop at 11:30, so I was left all by myself with this evil rash after that staring at the ceiling. At midnight after I almost scratched my skin off I decided to cool down with a bath...and go rock myself to sleep on baby's rocker, but that only kept my rash calm for a little while, and didnt get me a wink of sleep...then I moved back to the bed because I yearned for those nights way back when, when I could just lay there with my 5 pillows and doze off to never never land...well didnt happen I tossed and turned for hours, maybe sleeping for about 20 minutes, when I woke up scratching off my skin again, and not knowing what to do I decided to go in for ANOTHER bath....I came back to bed close to 4AM and decided to trick myself, I left the hallway light on, and just sat up in bed pretending I wasnt going to sleep but guess what it worked, I was able to fall asleep! For 2 hours, before I had to wake up to my itching skin, and decided to go get ready for our doctor appointment....Lovely night I tell ya! I was just beyond myself! I didnt know if to be mad, or cry, or what, but my poor little skin is severely distraught. =(
Well lets fast forward a couple hours later to our DOCTOR APPOINTMENT! Yay! =)
So, I was hoping for 2 things from this doc today...check if Im dilating, and cure my rash...just kidding...So doc comes in asks how Im doing I tell her not so good this darn rash is flaring up and has made me miserable, she asks me if I took the Benadryl I lie tell her yes, because I dont want to take meds, but she says I have to take Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night so that it can hold me down til the baby's born, she says it's called PUPP and it's very common, so just take it and it will not affect I give in! I will take it gosh darn it if it will tame down this evil beast of a rash, as long as I can have it in writing that our little son, will not be effected =) He he....
So next item of business was our baby's ultrasound, it didnt tell us what station baby's in, meaning the position in my pelvis so we know if he's getting near the exit, but she confirmed baby's about 8 lbs...and due to my petite size, she wanted to check my dilation status, but decides to wait til Friday to see me once more and check at that point how far I am.....then she says...that depending how far Im dilated she might induce me on Sunday! I am totally against any kind of artificial, drug-induced action on my body, but at this stage she said it could help me avoid a c-section before baby gets any bigger, and it means we can FINALLY meet Im leaving it in God's hands what he wants, either send baby to us before all that happens, or have doc induce me...and speaking of this infamous doc, I had a few not so nice words in my head to tell her, as some of you can see from my prior posts, but I take it all back...if our beautiful baby's life..and mine, are under her care, then I have to respect her, be hopeful and trust that she is doing the right thing...
Well before we leave our weekly appointment doc does her usual routine of hearing our beautiful baby's heartbeat, and as it is he was already real active in mommy's belly with all those butterflies swirling around him, that when mommy laid down and doc put the little doppler on her belly baby squirmed in there! It was funny because I sure as heck felt the jolt, and Poppa and the doc just laughed because they saw my belly jiggled....aww poor baby was startled, he thought doc was going to open mommy's belly up and let him out...=) I got teary eyed when I heard his strong little heart beat because I feel so bad that he has to go through my restless nights with me, and his little sleep is interrupted as well, AND he has to feel mommy so darn tense, frustrated, sad, and in discomfort....but I was So glad to hear he was ok in there. So Poppa and I left there with a sigh of relief that baby is BIG and strong, and that mommy can hopefully find some relief in these darn medications....
We went to have breakfast and I told poppa that either way you look at it, this time next week we will have our baby here! Gosh that is just incredible to think that we will finally see him...I wonder what he will look like, and what he will do when he first sees and hears Mommy and Poppa...that's going to be amazing...I love it I cant wait.
So I will keep you posted on any signs of rythmic activity on this end...othewise, we'll wait and see what happens Friday...but I sure hope we have some acitvity my then ; )
Fingers and toes crossed remember!

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