Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Wow the time is flying by! Our little bundle is 4 months old today, and he is growing for sure! Our little addition has brought so much joy into our lives...everyday is a blessing...look at daddy smiling from cheek to cheek...aww his little sport...

Ooo Noah got to hang out with his cousin Adam this weekend...

Noah went to a Pumkin Patch with his buddies from stroller strides, here they are just hanging out in their rides...=) Noah has a crush on the little lady in the middle ; )

Mommy and Noah...

It got real hot so we had to skiddizzles...

Awww...Daddy LOVES Noah...gentle touches guys!

Oooh yeah and so since today is Noah's 4 months you know what that visit! And with that comes shots! =( But Noah is a CHAMP! He let out a little yell with the second shot and then just kept on truckin...Gosh he is a chubby wubby for sure, he is 18 lbs. 12 oz, and 26 inches long! Pretty soon wont fit in his car seat anymore, we'll need to upgrade him to the cadillac of car seats...ha ha, havent even seen whats out there yet, but anyway, we will be out on the market soon for one.
He was showin off for his doc, rollin over, smiling, talking, you know our charming little Noah...
Noah, mommy wants you to know that she loves you more than life itself and she has spent the best time of her life these past 4 months, along with daddy of course, and she will treasure these moments forever...Mommy is going to make sure she enjoys every second of the next couple months she has left with you before she goes back to if there's anything special you'd like to do like go to Disneyland or anything like that just give her a holler...=) He he...

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