Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Noah's busy weekend and first meal...

Noah's weekend started at Daddy's football game which was a lot of fun especially cause they beat the number one team in their league, yay! Here's Daddy's number one fans!

Congrats Daddy!

Auntie Daisy joined us at this weeks game..She's one of our biggest supporters =)

This weekend Noah took his first road trip...the Arreola's went to San Diego to visit the fam, and Noah got to meet a few people he had not yet met...
On Sunday we had our family fun day at Seaport Village...Mommy LOVES that's a picture where it all started many moons ago...

Yup who would've known that 5 1/2 years later, these two love birds would now be a happy family....

Noah had lotsa fun carving pumpkins with his cousins, well not really, he's still too young for that but he sure liked looking at em...

Noah got to meet his uncle Franco, who came to visit us from Kansas.

Noah also got to hang out with Gramps for his birthday dinner...
And speaking of dinner...Noah had a dinner of his own just last nite...yup, Noah tried eating rice cereal like a big boy!!!

He had fun, that's all that matters although most of it ended up on him rather than in his belly.

He says he rather eat what daddy's eating...=) He he....

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