Little Noah

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

These little piggies...

This was Noah the morning after mommy's birthday, we had a super duper fun pajama party with our friends the Rutters... dont mind him he's just rolling over in his crib...hillarious!

This is Noah playing in his room....he loves his daddy...

Can you say ADORABLE!

Noah dressed in his Sunday's best to go to church...

And alas...the day we were waiting for very impatiently...our Piggies & Paws party! Yay! I do love those piggies!!!

Here's Nina how surprised us both coming over, and making Noah's little footprint into a little angel...aww cant wait to see the results.

And here's mommy making her handprint to put together with her little bear's.

Noah's party was a great success, he had lotsa friends over painting their little piggies for their mommies and daddies, and here's beautiful Natalia just hanging out waiting her turn...mommy she's only 9 months older than me... ; )

Here's little princess Sasha making her print...

And Camila, and her mommy...she's so ready!

Ooo here's Noah's buddy from Stroller Strides! Cute!

Here's Noah going at it again making his footprint for daddy...shhh surprise! Haha this tickled him!

All in all this day was super fun =) after our party we were wiped, and it was raining, so we went shopping =) He he...

And this was after our long day...awww...I love watching him favorite.

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